Gabi de Waal

17, traveling & concerts

  • Zoetermeer, NL
  • 17 June 2016

The bucketlist of Gabi de Waal

Curious about the bucketlist of Gabi de Waal? Take a look below to find out which goals are on them. You can also add the search function to find a specific goal. Do you like one of them, click the 'add' button to add it to your own bucketlist.

I want to do this a month long.

Would love to speak the Spanish language and are able to communicate with the people in this beloved country.

Tomorrowland is one of the biggest outdoor festivals of Belgium.

because very dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground.

Walk trough the famous streets of London and shop until you drop!

seems like a pretty damn cool way of traveling to me. and if we could fly to Neverland, that would be perfect.

The city of love and lights. Visit the eiffeltower and enjoy the French lifestyle.

and spend some time helping others.

Because it seems like a fun thing to do

Promise each other to stay to getter, for bitter or worse.

New York City or simply New York, is the most populous city in the United States.